《单元自我综合评价》Countries around the World PPT
最近更新 2022年02月01日
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《单元自我综合评价》Countries around the World PPT

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《单元自我综合评价》Countries around the World PPT《单元自我综合评价》Countries around the World PPT《单元自我综合评价》Countries around the World PPT《单元自我综合评价》Countries around the World PPT

单元自我综合评价》Countries around the World PPT


1.This is ________ map of Australia. It\'s ________old map.

A.a; an B.an; a C.a; a D.an; an


2. Li Ming can ________ French very well.

A.say B.speak C.talk D.tell


3.Taiwan is a part of China. It is ________the southeast of our country.

A.on B.in C.to D.at

4.—What do you know ________ Lin Junjie?

—I only know he is a famous singer from Singapore.

A.with B.from C.for D.about

【解析】 know about意为“了解”。

5. Do you come from America or ________?

A.Canadian B.Australian

C.England D.Chinese


... ... ...


The Jones family are from Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Jones are __16__ in a company(公司) in Beijing. Their son Jimmy lives __17__ them. Jimmy can speak good English, __18__ he is not good at Chinese. Jimmy is in Grade Five in a(n) __19__ school now. His teachers and classmates are all Chinese. Jimmy plays with __20__ friends every day and he feels very __21__.

He listens to Chinese news, __22__ Chinese books and __23__ e­mails(电子邮件) in Chinese. Now he can speak a little Chinese.

On Sunday, Jimmy goes to a __24__. He wants to order his favourite __25__—Peking Roast Duck (北京烤鸭). So he says to the waiter, “May I have some Beijing kaoya?”

16.A. driving B.working C.playing D.living

17.A. for B.after C.with D.in

18.A. but B.and C.or D.then

19.A. English B.French C.Canadian D.Chinese

20.A. he B.his C.my D.her

21.A. happy B.sad C.lonely D.sick

22.A. looks B.watches C.sees D.reads

23.A. makes B.Draws C.writes D.sings

24.A. school B.Shop C.restaurant D.post office

25.A. colour B.clothes C.drink D.food

... ... ...



In many countries the presidents, kings or queens live in special houses. These houses have different names. Many of these houses are famous in the world. The president of the U.S. lives in the White House. It is white outside. It really looks like a white house.

In the U.K., kings and queens live in Buckingham Palace. It is very beautiful and we can visit some areas(地区) of the palace. The Palace Museum was old China\'s emperors\'(皇帝的) palace. Now there\'s no emperor in China and it becomes (变成) a museum. Every year, people come to Beijing to visit it.

26.It talks about(谈论) ________ in the passage.

A.presidents B.kings and queens

C.palaces D.emperors

27.In the United Kingdom, kings and queens live in________.

A.different houses B.the Palace Museum

C.the White House D.Buckingham Palace

28.It\'s________ outside the White House.

A.blond B.white

C.green D.red

29.In China today,________ lives in the Palace Museum.

A.a president B.a king

C.a queen D.no emperor

... ... ...

Ⅳ. 任务型阅读(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)

Canada is a very big country. It is north of the U.S. The population(人口) of Canada is over 35,000,000. Canada has two official languages, French and English.

The weather in Canada is different in different areas. In the north, the winters are long, with snow for six months of the year. In the west coast(海岸) of Canada, it rains every month of the year.

There is a famous waterfall in Canada. It is the Niagara Falls. Would you like to come to Canada to visit it?

... ... ...


Look at the map of the world. We can find all the 41.________(country) on it. Look here, it\'s Africa. I have a pen pal. She is 42.f________ Africa. She tells me there are many kinds of wild animals in her hometown.

And she 43.i________ me to travel to her country next summer. She can speak three languages: Chinese, English and 44.F________. I hope 45.________(visit) Africa soon.

... ... ...


46.Betty, is, from, where


47.on, is, the, blue, map, the U.K.


48.cities, list, make, of, famous, a


49.Tian\'anmen Square, to, I, visit, want


50. east, China, is, country, which, of


... ... ...



提示词:Asia(亚洲), history(历史), beautiful(漂亮的), the Summer Palace(颐和园), the Great Wall(长城), the Fragrant Hills(香山)

One possible version:

I am very glad to tell you something about China. China is a large country in the east of Asia. It has a long history. China\'s flag is red. It has five yellow stars. Beijing is our capital city. It has many famous places of interest,such as Tian\'anmen Square, the Summer Palace, the Great Wall and the Fragrant Hills. They are all beautiful and interesting.

Welcome to visit China.

Thank you!

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