Zonya 响应式WordPress企业主题
最近更新 2022年01月30日
资源编号 316249

Zonya 响应式WordPress企业主题

2022-01-30 WordPress模板 0 1,001
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Zonya 响应式WordPress企业主题 Zonya是来自themeforest上面的一套WordPress企业主题,这套WordPress主题采用扁平化的设计风格,非常简洁清新,并采用了响应式的布局,可以再移动端访问,适应现在移动发展的趋势。

Zonya 响应式WordPress企业主题

ZONYA – 主题主要功能特色

8 Header Types – Zonya has 8 different header layouts to choose from currently

Boxed Layout & Full Width Layout – Change your fullwidth site to a boxed site with just 1 click using our awesome theme options!

Ebor Mega Menu – Ebor Mega Menu is built straight into the theme, use all the page builder elements right there in your menu, or just use it to add richer content to your header along with columns of menus, how you use it is entirely up to you!

WooCommerce Support – Zonya supports WooCommerce, we’ve baked in beautiful styling for it, and custom goodies like a beautiful AJAX updating cart icon in the header, neat!

Custom Image Cropping – Sick of not being able to choose the crop area of your featured images? Not in Zonya, you have total control of where your featured images crop.

Ebor Template Builder – Love Aqua Page builder, but feel it’s missing some features? My custom build adds them. Markup buttons, template duplication, quick view list for templates and loads more. It’s Aqua Page Builder on steroids.

30+ Custom Page Builder Elements & Counting! – The page builder in Zonya comes packed full of features that are totally customisable, to extend that we’ve hand designed and coded another 30+ element for the page builder, just for Zonya! Full blog feeds, portfolio feeds, carousels, you name it! Best of all, each element is totally customisable, show only certain categories in a page, define background images, everything!

Parallax Background Image Sections – You can set parallax background images on a section by section basis when building your pages. Anything is possible.

Revolution Slider Included ($16 Value) – Revolution slider is included with your download, and it even integrates with the page builder! Full demo data of our demo slider is also included.

Custom Logos – Zonya lets you set a custom logo, retina logo, and even a logo for the WP Login screen, all with a few clicks in our beautiful live preview theme options. Even our theme options let you see your theme changes in real time!

Unlimited Colour Schemes, 600+ Google Fonts, 300 Background Textures – Zonya gives you full control over the theme colours, using our live preview theme options you can change all the colours in the theme, you’re given total control over the theme fonts, sizes, paddings, margins, you name it! Add to that 18 beautiful background textures ready right there in the theme, and another 300 ready with a simple plugin install.

One Click Demo Data Installer – With my custom wordpress data importer, your site can be up and running like my demo site in seconds.

WPML Support – Full multilingual support is baked right into Zonya! Full .po file available for more simple translations also.

Gravity Forms & Contact Form 7 Support – Zonya is totally ready for Gravity Forms straight out of the box, start building the forms you need straight away. If you’d prefer a free contact form builder, we also support Contact Form 7 in Zonya!

1, 2, 3 or 4 columns footer – It’s all up to you! the theme will respond to how you’re using the footer widgets areas and build the columns with no extra work from you!

Mailchimp integrated newsletter widget – Our included Mailchimp newsletter widget lets your users sign right up to your mail chimp lists. Integrates with the Mailchimp API so that you can magically have users sign up directly to your chosen list, no extra effort needed!

WordPress Post Formats Support – Our posts use post formats to produce beautiful layouts depending on what you’re showing. Each with beautiful, easy to use controls to make your content shine!

Built in sharing – We’ve built beautifully styled sharing buttons right into the theme, share your content with style.

500+ Icons – Beautiful, retina ready icons at your disposal, use them all over the theme, they look beautiful on mobile devices too!

Blog Layouts – Grid Blog, Classic Blog and all again with a sidebar. You’ve got 4 different blog layouts to choose from, and with the included page builder, you can even change this on a page by page basis! Want one layout for one category, and other layout for another category, no problem!

Portfolio Post Type Layouts – Pick a post format, pick a post layout, mix and match to make a portfolio post that truly suits your content. Feature images, gallery, sound cloud, video, anything you need! then let your users share it with our beautiful sharing buttons.

Child theme included! – To make life easier I’ve included a basic child theme for you to install. Get your modifications going even faster!

5* Support, All From the Developer – I run all my own support, so you’re guaranteed a great & quick answer to your theme usage or setup question.

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