The7 v5.0.1 自定义功能强大的wordpress主题
最近更新 2022年02月09日
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The7 v5.0.1 自定义功能强大的wordpress主题

2022-01-30 WordPress模板 0 1,117
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The7是一套来着themeforest的wordpress企业主题,这套wordpress主题采用的是IOS7的扁平化风格,并且主题功能强大,自定义功能丰富,号称是themeforest商城里面自定义功能最强大的wordpress主题!The7拥有超过750个自定义选项、26+个预置网站样本数据,支持安装导入界面一键导入,配合Visual Composer插件使用,可以搭建出各类风格、满足各类需求的网站。


The7 主题功能介绍

The7 is perfectly scalable, performance and SEO optimized, responsive, retina ready multipurpose WordPress theme. It will fit every site – big or small. From huge corporate portals to studio or personal sites – The7 will become a great foundation for your next project!

Responsive. Fluid. Retina-Ready. Your site will always look sharp and utilize 100% of screen estate on every device. There are no jerky “responsiveness points”. Plus The7 features adaptive navigation menu on smaller screen sizes.

Customize Everything! No theme around offers such a vide range of customization options. The7 allows you to customize almost every aspect of its appearance via handy theme options panel.

Create any layout with Visual Layout Builder! The7 comes with Visual Layout Builder. Create almost any layout you can imagine in only couple of clicks! Watch the screencast.

6 Ready-Made Skins. We’ve included 6 ready-made skins in different color schemes for different purposes. They can be a great starting point for your unique custom design.

Exclusive Slideshows. The7 features two slideshows developed exclusively for it: Porthole and 3D. Layer Slider, Metro (based on Swiper) and Revolution slider were heavily customized to fit theme perfectly.

Multiple Header Options. Fancy Headers. Make your pages, posts and projects stand out with individual headers. Choose one of 5 exclusive slideshows or a fancy header (3 layouts available).

New! UNIQUE page template: Microsite. May be used for landing pages, one-page-sites, blank pages,.. even sterling sites-in-site! Features: The7 v5.0.1 自定义功能强大的wordpress主题The7 v5.0.1 自定义功能强大的wordpress主题Select custom menu. The7 v5.0.1 自定义功能强大的wordpress主题The7 v5.0.1 自定义功能强大的wordpress主题Enable / disable top bar, header, floating menu, bottom bar. The7 v5.0.1 自定义功能强大的wordpress主题The7 v5.0.1 自定义功能强大的wordpress主题Use custom logos, logo links and favicon. The7 v5.0.1 自定义功能强大的wordpress主题The7 v5.0.1 自定义功能强大的wordpress主题Enable / disable beautiful page loading. The7 v5.0.1 自定义功能强大的wordpress主题The7 v5.0.1 自定义功能强大的wordpress主题Choose wide or boxed layout. The7 v5.0.1 自定义功能强大的wordpress主题The7 v5.0.1 自定义功能强大的wordpress主题Custom CSS field. The7 v5.0.1 自定义功能强大的wordpress主题The7 v5.0.1 自定义功能强大的wordpress主题All regular options like header, slideshow, sidebars etc. settings are also available.

New! We supercharged WP Custom Menus (now it’s Mega Menu)! Features: The7 v5.0.1 自定义功能强大的wordpress主题The7 v5.0.1 自定义功能强大的wordpress主题Icons (custom images or icon-font). The7 v5.0.1 自定义功能强大的wordpress主题The7 v5.0.1 自定义功能强大的wordpress主题Subtitles. The7 v5.0.1 自定义功能强大的wordpress主题The7 v5.0.1 自定义功能强大的wordpress主题Multiple menu rows / columns. Theme Options > Header options: The7 v5.0.1 自定义功能强大的wordpress主题The7 v5.0.1 自定义功能强大的wordpress主题Enable / disable frames & backgrounds in main menu. The7 v5.0.1 自定义功能强大的wordpress主题The7 v5.0.1 自定义功能强大的wordpress主题Enable / disable arrow level indicators for main menu and drop down menus. The7 v5.0.1 自定义功能强大的wordpress主题The7 v5.0.1 自定义功能强大的wordpress主题Icon size settings.

SEO-optimized. Themes valid HTML5 code meets best SEO practices. Theme is 100% compatible with industry-leading SEO plugins like “All on One SEO Pack” and “SEO by Yoast”.

Coolest and most trendy design features: Fancy headers, fullscreen slideshows, Revolution Slider, boxed and wide layouts, striped content backgrounds, parallax stripes, floating menu, and more… much more!

Plenty of Blog, Portfolio & Galleries Layouts. You can choose: The7 v5.0.1 自定义功能强大的wordpress主题The7 v5.0.1 自定义功能强大的wordpress主题masonry, grid or list view; The7 v5.0.1 自定义功能强大的wordpress主题The7 v5.0.1 自定义功能强大的wordpress主题(new!) justified grid layout for portfolio, albums and galleries; The7 v5.0.1 自定义功能强大的wordpress主题The7 v5.0.1 自定义功能强大的wordpress主题1, 2, 3 or 4 columns; The7 v5.0.1 自定义功能强大的wordpress主题The7 v5.0.1 自定义功能强大的wordpress主题plus enable or disable sidebar.

Supports WordPress post formats The7 supports and has individual styling for these post formats: The7 v5.0.1 自定义功能强大的wordpress主题The7 v5.0.1 自定义功能强大的wordpress主题Standard The7 v5.0.1 自定义功能强大的wordpress主题The7 v5.0.1 自定义功能强大的wordpress主题Aside The7 v5.0.1 自定义功能强大的wordpress主题The7 v5.0.1 自定义功能强大的wordpress主题Image The7 v5.0.1 自定义功能强大的wordpress主题The7 v5.0.1 自定义功能强大的wordpress主题Video The7 v5.0.1 自定义功能强大的wordpress主题The7 v5.0.1 自定义功能强大的wordpress主题Quote The7 v5.0.1 自定义功能强大的wordpress主题The7 v5.0.1 自定义功能强大的wordpress主题Link The7 v5.0.1 自定义功能强大的wordpress主题The7 v5.0.1 自定义功能强大的wordpress主题Gallery The7 v5.0.1 自定义功能强大的wordpress主题The7 v5.0.1 自定义功能强大的wordpress主题Chat The7 v5.0.1 自定义功能强大的wordpress主题The7 v5.0.1 自定义功能强大的wordpress主题Status

Slideshows in projects / posts previews

Plethora of Shortcodes and Widgets. Build any layout you can imagine with wide range of shortcodes: Accordion, Toggles, Tabs, Banners, Teasers, Call to action, Benefits, Blog, Buttons, Clients, Contact form, Map, Photos, Pricing tables (via plugin), Progress bars, Portfolio, Slideshow, Social icons, Stripes, Testimonials, Team, etc.

WooCommerce Support Out of the Box. That’s right – no need to mess with WooCommerce styling to fit your site perfectly. The7 will apply all required styles based on your design automatically!

Translation and Multilingual ready. The7 is 100% translation ready and fully compatible with WPML.

Tested for compatibility with most popular plugins: Contact form 7, WPML, All in One Calendar, Events manager Pro, Gravity Forms, WooCommerce, SEO by Yoast, All in One Seo Pack, W3 Total Cache, WP Super Cache, JetPack, Luv Comments, Disqus, Geo Post, Ultimate Maintenance Mode, Jooseok Oh, NextGEN Gallery, etc.


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