《Pets》Integrated skillsPPT
最近更新 2022年01月30日
资源编号 315246

《Pets》Integrated skillsPPT

2022-01-30 PPT课件 0 260
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《Pets》Integrated skillsPPT《Pets》Integrated skillsPPT《Pets》Integrated skillsPPT

《Pets》Integrated skillsPPT

第一部分内容:fantail goldfish

What is fantail goldfish like and how to look after it?


You should…

You shouldn’t…

Listen to the talk.

1 you should put your fantail goldfish in the sun. _____

2 A fantail goldfish weighs about four kilograms. _____

3 Fantail goldfish look like bananas. _____

4 Some fantail goldfish are black. _____

5 Fantail goldfish are easy to look after. _____

6 Fantail goldfish are very expensive._____

... ... ...

《Pets》PPT,第二部分内容:answer questions

After the talk, Peter calls Amy to tell her about the fantail goldfish.

Listen to the talk again. Help Peter answer Amy’s questions.

fantail goldfish fins peas

quiet tank vegetables

Amy: What did you do at the Young Pet Owners Club?

Peter: We listened to a talk on the (1)________. We learnt about how they live and how to look after them. The water in the (2)____ must be clean.

Amy: Do you need to feed them often?

Peter: You should feed them once a day. They eat special fish food and sometimes (3) _________. The speaker\'s own goldfish likes to eat (4) ____.

Amy: Is the fantail goldfish different from other goldfish?

Peter: Yes. The fantail goldfish looks a little different. It has long, beautiful (5) ____.

Amy: Do they make any noise?

... ... ...


Hello. Today I’d like to tell you about the fantail goldfish. Fantail goldfish can live a long time if you look after them carefully. You must make sure their water is clean and you mustn’t pick them up with your hands. You should not put them in the sun.

You should feed them special fish food every day. Sometimes, they eat vegetables too. My fantail goldfish likes to eat peas.

When a fantail goldfish grows up, it can be 20 cm long and weigh about 400 grams. The body of a fantail goldfish is something like an egg.

Most fantail goldfish are orange, but sometimes they are black, white or green. They have long, beautiful fins.

Fantail goldfish are nice pets because they’re quiet and easy to look after and they aren’t expensive to buy.

... ... ...

《Pets》PPT,第四部分内容:After finishing A3, answer the questions:

1. What did Peter do at the Young Pet Owners Club?

He listened to a talk on the fantail goldfish.

2. What do fantail goldfish eat?

Special fish food, vegetables and peas.

3. Are fantail goldfish like other goldfish?

No, they are different. Fantail goldfish have long, beautiful fins.

... ... ...

《Pets》PPT,第五部分内容:Useful phrases

1. in the sun 在阳光下

2. look like 看起来像

3. change the water 换水

4. make sure 确保

5. at the bottom of … 在……的底部

6. take…out of … 把……拿出来

... ... ...

《Pets》PPT,第六部分内容:Finish the sentences:

1.There is a fish ______________ the fish tank.

2.The cat ________ a hat.

3.Fantail goldfish are ____________ the other goldfish.

4.Don’t let the dog _______________.

5.Look! Daniel ________ the goldfish _____ the fish tank.

6.You must _________ the fire is out.

7.Dogs are easy ____________.

... ... ...

《Pets》PPT,第七部分内容:Speak up: talking about pets

Listen to the tape and answer:

1.What are they talking about?

They are talking about pets.

2.What does Amy like? Why?

Amy likes cats and dogs.

Because they are friendly.

Speak up: talking about pets

A: What is your favorite pet?

B: I really like…

A: Why?

B: Because…

A: What about …?

B: I don’t like it.

A: Why?

B: Because…


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